Hypnotherapy, Master Healer, Emotional Guide, NLP, EFT Practitioner, Reiki Healing, Angelic Reiki, Distance Reiki, Absent Reiki, Equine Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Energy Healing, D5 Healing, Metatron Healing, Goddess Healing, Usui Reiki Training, Angelic Reiki Healing Circle, Reiki in Residential Care Homes, Angelic Oracle Card Readings, Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Hypno-band Weight Loss, Virtual Gastric Band, Positive Mindset, Motivation, Self-Worth, Self-love, Self Esteem, Confidence, Anxiety, Fear, Love, Energy, Vibration, Frequency, Law of Attraction, Universe, Wellbeing, Mental Health, Workshops, Training, Talks, Let’s Talk Events, Retreats, in person, Hope Mountain, Colwyn Bay, Conwy, North Wales, Anglesey, on line, UK, International.

Self-love & Healing Circle – Last Friday of the Month starting 28th July 7- 8.30pm
Join me for our monthly Self-Love and Healing Circle for the meeting of like minded souls to enjoy a safe space to release and let go of your daily stress and anxiety.

The evening includes plenty of relaxation revolving around a monthly Self-Love themed lesson.
Including Guided Meditations, Angel Affirmation Cards plus a beautiful Angelic Reiki Healing session to leave YOU feeling completely calm and relaxed.

Each month I will be sharing how to “Think & Heal Yourself Happy” tools such as:

The Importance of Self Care
The Power of I AM
The Emotional Guidance Scale
The Chakra System
Limiting Beliefs
Raising Your Vibration – shift your emotions to your happy place.

Enjoy relaxing in complete peace, held in love and light for the highest good of all concerned 

Booking Link:


I look forward to sharing my safe space with YOU and your friends and mine x
😇 Also available for 1:1 Emotional Guidance and Angelic Reiki Healing

Hi ladies, I AM Michelle Louise from Angelic Healing welcome to my website x

I specailise in Women’s Emotional Well-Being & Weight Loss, by teaching YOU how to “Think & Heal Yourself Happy” 😁

I absolutely love being able to help YOU ‘release’ years of ‘emotional weight’ from your mind, body & soul 🙌 as I have loved doing and still do for myself too 🥰

It’s not always about the weight YOU see on your body, but the burden of the weight YOU feel, YOU carry, YOU wear in your heart and on your sleeve 🥺

YOU have to ‘release’ the stress of the burdens from your mind before YOU see it drop off your body, ‘let go’ of the heartache and feel good from your soul 🤔

As an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Teacher Healer; I have a wonderful Tool Box FULL of authentic Healing Modalities ready and waiting to teach YOU how to “Think & Heal Yourself Happy” too 😇

Happy people glow differently 😁 they live longer, cope with stress more effectively, are healthier, wealthier in their love for life and more successful with their goals and aspirations……are YOU? 🥰

Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas for home visits and also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

YOU Matter 😇 YOU are Important 😇 YOU are Enough

🙏 Angel Intuitive Card Readings 🙏

Enjoy an incredible hour of ‘online’ or ‘in person’ Angel Oracle Intuitive Card Readings. Take a breath, go within, ask your angels for their pure loving guidance and behold their answers in detailed messages via your chosen Oracle Cards

An insightful reading covering your last 3 months, current challenge, health, wellbeing and relationship guidance will be revealed

😇 There are 4 Archangel Card Spreads per reading

😇 Michael will guide you with your current ‘Challenges’

😇 Metatron’s Wisdom will reveal ‘past, present & future 3 months’

😇 Raphael’s ‘Healing’ will look at mind, body & spirit

😇 Chamuel will guide you with matters of the ‘Heart & Relationships’💕

😇 Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas for home visits. I am also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

Zoom recorded readings available 💕

*Perfect for low motivation, lack of self worth and self belief

Have YOU have been struggling to control your feelings, are a little bit lost and would benefit from some direction? Why not book a combined Healing and Emotional Guidance Session.

Allow me to guide YOU to mentally ‘let go’ of your negative emotions, followed by your Angelic Reiki Healing session for your energetic emotional release. Finished with a beautiful Angel Oracle Card message from your most perfect healing angels.

I like to call this a gentle head wobble and body shuffle to calm your mind, body and spirit for all your well-being needs.

😇 Home visits: Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas. I am also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

First of all, allow me to begin by saying a huge thank YOU & well done.

At the start of 2020, we had no idea how much pressure would be placed on our key workers to keep some sense normality of life for everyone else. We all thought it would only be a few months, but as time marches on, we have relied more and more on our incredible key workers who are selflessly supporting others from 2020, throughout 2021 and now in to 2022!

So, my question is who is looking after YOU?

Every day you are working incredibly hard to keep people safe, secure and loved, but are YOU feeling safe, supported and nurtured? Do YOU have your life jacket on too?

We often talk about putting ourselves first, but for many, this is something which is easier said than done. Particularly with so many people relying on you for support. We also deplete our personal energy supplies by caring for others and forget to stay topped up to take care of our own emotional needs

Self-care is most definitely not selfish, for you, our key workers, it is absolutely essential.

By looking after your well-being, making sure you are 100% healthy and happy, you can give so much more to the people that you are supporting at 100%

As an experienced Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Teacher Healer, I teach people all over the UK to how to ‘think and heal themselves happy’. It would be a privilege to help and support our key workers too.

In my experience, one solution does not always suit all people or all problems. My emotional well-being toolbox is full of authentic holistic therapies to suit your every need.

It is as unique as YOU are.

Let’s move YOU to the front of the queue, leave the Covid Chaos at the door and put your life jacket on by looking after YOU!

YOU too can feel the benefits of restful and restorative sleep, relaxation, relief from stress & anxiety. Enjoy increased energy, positivity, calmness, inner peace and most of all let go and release fear-based thoughts and emotions.

By learning how to ‘Think & Heal Yourself Happy’ too!

If YOU are ready to begin your personal healing journey, book your FREE 15 minute chemistry call TODAY.

😇 Home visits: Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas. I am also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

Being an absolute lover of animals and especially horses, Equine Reiki Healing is such a pleasure and a gift to share with your four legged friends. My horse ‘Harry’ used to fall asleep during his Equine Reiki Healing and he was so much calmer and a dream to handle for weeks later.

I have experienced some incredible results from Equine Reiki Healing for so many of our fury friends.

Reiki is also highly recommended for the rider too, as we are quite often transferring our anxious energy onto our Equine friends unintentionally. Have YOU got a ‘Hot’ seat…?

😇 Yard / Home Visits: Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas. 😇

Mileage costs apply.


The energy at my Healing Hut in sunny Colwyn Bay has been absolutely beautiful this week. It has been a pleasure to see YOU and to support YOU with your individual Hypnotherapy & Emotional Healing needs

If YOU are struggling to see your GP a gentle Reiki Healing session will help YOU to release and let go of your pain, anxiety and / or negative emotions in the meantime 🥰

Please click on the link below for further information on the many benefits of energy healing for your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being 😇

😇 Home visits: Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas. I am also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

Why YOU Matter …Wednesday 11th May 7pm -9pm

Join me for my monthly ‘Lets Talk About YOU’ event, learning how to ‘Think & Heal Yourself Happy’ with my series of Self-Love Lessons – especially for YOU x

We are all busy people, and quite often put others needs before our own. Most of us are last on our own list, and get into the habit of battling through and ignoring our body as it cries out for attention.

YOU are a human being, but are you a well-being…? Discover how living in an emotional state of fear effects your mind and body. How your thoughts and words reach your inner child, and how negative emotions manifest as ailments and disease – a body not at ‘ease’ in later life. YOU are your well-being!

YOU Matter, YOU are Important, YOU are Worthy, YOU are Enough & YOU Deserve to be Happy too!

*This is an Online Event via Zoom

To Book:

Contact Michelle: 07584 323620 / michelle@angelicyou.co.uk

Tickets £20

*£15 for all Healing & Well-Being Circle Members – see previous posts

Paypal: angelichh1@michelle

*Bank Details available on request

😇 Home visits: Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas. I am also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

Hello YOU,

My name is Michelle Louise from Angelic Healing, I am an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist & Master Teacher Healer. 😇

What do I do for YOU?
I specialise in Emotional Well-being, supporting YOU with:

Low Self Esteem
Low Confidence
Low Self Worth
Losing Emotional Weight
Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss (Hypno-band)
Smoking Cessation
Low Mood
Loss of Motivation
Trapped Emotions
Letting Go of Bad Habits
Turning Negative Thought Patterns into Positive Behaviours
Releasing Anything That No Longer Serves YOU

Why do I do this for YOU..?
Because I believe:

YOU are Important
YOU Matter
YOU are Worthy
YOU Deserve
YOU are Enough
Yes YOU…

How do I help YOU to feel good…?
By Teaching YOU How to “Think & Heal Yourself Happy!” 😁

Would YOU like to learn effective, simple life skills and techniques to feeling good and self love, and finding YOU again? To let go and release negative emotions?

Yes YOU can 🥰 I’ve got YOU x

Book your FREE 15 Minute Chemistry Call Appointments TODAY 🤩

😇 Home visits: Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas. I am also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

I am available to YOU for in person, online, group and or 1:1 sessions 😇 vouchers also available 😇

I really feel for our Nhs and Key Workers who must be feeling frustrated, angry, upset, used, abused and exhausted right now..🥺

Who could blame YOU, what a week of shocking news we have had. What will YOU be faced with next 🤔

Who is looking after YOU? 😇

Are YOU struggling, exhausted, need to let go and release feelings that no longer serve YOU, could YOU do with some Healing too? 🙌

Please reach out, everyone welcome – lets leave the Covid Chaos at the door and just focus on YOU 🤗 YOU Matter Too 😇

Appointments available

😇 Home visits: Chester, Helsby, Frodsham, Runcorn, Widnes, Warrington & surrounding areas. I am also available ‘Online’ to support YOU wherever YOU are too 😇

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