Michelle's Story

As a little girl, I was always reading fairy tale adventures, especially about horses – my junior schoolteacher once told me not to pick another ‘horsey’ book from the school library!
I loved to collect shells, smooth pebbles, shiny stones and anything and everything that sparkled. My bedroom was a safe space for me to spend time dreaming about my prince charming and all the fairy tales from my precious books coming to life
Today, I still love to read and have a beautiful healing space full of shiny crystals, fairy lights, angels, butterflies and buddhas to work from and enjoy my own time in. I am still dreaming, but now as a master of The Law of Attraction, self love & healing techniques, I have the power within to manifest all of my dreams into reality.
The years between were not always such a fairy tale, as a divorced, struggling single parent, jumping from job to job to make ends meet. And now, many years later, having kissed a few frogs and left a few bad jobs. I successfully manifested my childhood dream ‘horsey’ along the way and have finally found my purpose, my happy place in natures playground and the love of my life who I married recenlty in the Bahama sunshine, it was the most incredible day.
Above all else, I completely accept to be fully able to love and be loved, you must first master the joy of ‘self love’. It all starts with YOU!
As a middle child of a middle-class family I always believed university and high-profile careers were for ‘other’ people. My parents both worked, and the expectation was to leave school, settle down and to raise a family. Like mum!
My mum was always apologising for her self, her appearance, her size, her large chest, the house, everything! her sheer existence. She never felt enough! No self worth and a terrible people pleaser too! It used to drive me crazy as a child, everything was always perfect in my eyes – what was she apologising for all the time… as an adult I see things more clearly now, bless her.
Leave school, get a little job, meet someone steady, settle down and raise a family…. simple right….?
That was never ‘enough’ for me, I had dreams and aspirations but there was always that ‘limiting belief’ holding me back. The inner chatterbox would appear loud and clear with that message again. Dreams and success were for ‘other’ people and I was left feeling perhaps I wasn’t good enough or worthy of or deserving of my dreams. Dad’s words of encouragement – what do YOU want to do that for…!!
That was a pattern and a doubt that followed me around well into my thirties.
Although I didn’t realise it at the time, that burning desire and inner self-belief was buried deep inside. Like a guardian angel the voice kept popping up ‘leave this unhealthy situation, ‘be true to YOU’, ‘YOU deserve to be happy’
Everything changed again when I discovered Reiki, I had a minor car accident, and nothing seemed to heal the physical or emotional pain. Reiki, not only healed the physical pain but began, what was to then become my journey of self-healing. Reiki changed my life, healing and releasing my supressed emotional pain. I was able to let go and release all my buried fears and experiences, limiting beliefs and grew stronger, more present, and happier by the day.
As I reflect, it is clear now that the stories and the lessons from the self-help books and training courses were reprogramming my limiting beliefs. I was able to be “true to myself” and keep fighting my way through to my ‘happy place’. Self-love starts with YOU, the answers were always within.
My poor mum is now riddled with pain from head to toe, recently diagnosed with secondary bone cancer and STILL apologising for her ‘bendy’ body and lack of mobility! Self love doesnt exist in mums mind, always putting others first, putting herself down and people pleasing to keep the peace. Mum holds it all in – from head to toe. Literally burning from the inside out. Still allowing Dad to tell her what she does and doesn’t need without complaint. Our parents are generally victims of victims and know no different. Have YOU broken your family cycle..? I AM so glad I saw the light and stay true to my own path.
For me 20+ amazing years later, many, many self-help books, scars, courses, workshops, conversations with the Universe and healing modality qualifications later; I am finally living in my ‘happy place’ blessed to be living my life purpose of helping YOU to ‘Think & Heal Yourself Happy” too.
In my experience ‘one’ solution will not fit all people or all problems. I AM blessed to have an incredible ‘Therapy Toolbox’ FULL of wonderful Emotional Healing & Self Love techniques waiting for YOU.
As an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Teacher Healer, amongst many other Ancient Healing Modalities. I AM determined to make sure YOU don’t end up like my ‘bendy’ mum holding on to past negative emotions manifesting as pain – just to keep the peace.
My mission is to teach YOU how to “Think & Heal Yourself Happy” too – we got this – YOU too mum, its never too late x
YOU Matter x YOU are Worthy x YOU are always Enough x YOU Deserve to be Happy too x
Meet Michelle
Michelle – Angelic Qualification Journey
Building my Emotional Well-being ‘Toolbox’ to share with YOU.
Wow, what an incredible 20 years, gaining my qualifications, experience and building on my skills!
As I reflect, I embrace that this time has also been part of my personal healing journey. My techniques have been well and truly tried, tested, and continually revisited on myself!
My therapy ‘toolbox’ is overflowing with authentic healing techniques. I honestly, would not change a moment, and will certainly continue with my love of learning to further assist YOU with your healing journey too!
From first becoming fascinated with the Universal laws, energy, vibration, and frequency. Learning the art of manifesting your hearts desires, the power of self-love and being true to yourself. Discovering the many forms of Reiki energy healing and being connected with the Angelic Kingdom of Light.
To studying the Subconscious Mind to become an Advanced Master Clinical Hypnotherapist. The perfect complement to EFT, NLP & Body Talk Practitioner and Master Teacher Healer – supporting my Coaching Skills. More recently, becoming a Soul Midwife, enabling me to support YOU and your family with grief and loss during these difficult times.
What a fabulous combination covering your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being needs.
One solution does not suit all people or all problems. I am proud to have a unique service being able to offer YOU a bespoke therapy plan for your individual needs.
I look forward to teaching YOU the life changing skills required to “Think & Heal Yourself Happy.”
Visit me at my beautiful Happy Hut in Oswestry very soon.