Law of Attraction In Action New Dates

The Law of Attraction in Action 4 week course

Discover The Secret behind ‘The Secret’ over a 4 week course of guidance and knowledge to the Magic of Manifesting your Miracle Mindset!

Week 1: Energy, Vibration & Frequency

Be careful what YOU wish for! Discover how your thoughts and words reach your inner child. Learn how your body has the ability to heal itself – YOU Matter!


Week 2: Are YOU Tuned In, Turned On & Tapped into Your Emotions

YOU are a human being but are you a well-being..?  Learn how to tune in to YOU and allow your emotions to guide YOU to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Enjoy a healthy state of Emotional Well-being.  YOU are Worthy!


Week 3: Limiting Beliefs & Positive Affirmations

It is never too late to learn how to dissolve negative thought patterns and replace them with positive behaviours. This step will shift your emotions to a higher vibration to allow YOU to feel happiness from the inside out.  YOU Deserve to be Happy!


Week 4: Manifest your Miracle Mindset

Learn how to align your thoughts with your hearts desires and see how YOU really can have, do or be anything YOU set your beautiful mind to! Happy Manifesting – YOU got this!

Only £75 for all 4 week sessions in total. 

Venue: Space 50 Regent Street Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1LJ

Thursday 6th July, Thursday 13th July, Thursday 20th July & Thursday 27th July 6.30pm – 8pm 


Booking Link




06 - 27 Jul 2023


Arrive 10 mins early please, there will be Q&A at the end
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Angelic Healing


Angelic Healing
The Healing Hug Runcorn
Angelic Healing


Angelic Healing

One Reply to “The Law of Attraction in Action 4 week course”

  1. thanks for info.

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