Reiki Training and Workshops - Oswestry, Shropshire
Would YOU like to learn the ancient art of Traditional Usui Reiki Healing…?
I love to teach Reiki, as a Reiki Master Teacher and Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist with over 15 years’ experience, based in Oswestry, it is an absolute pleasure and a privilege to pass on such powerful self-healing energy to those who wish to share their healing gifts with those who need it most too.
My personal Reiki journey began by learning Level One Reiki for my own self-healing. This was absolutely life changing for me. I have never been so grateful for the wonderful tools to manage my own emotions ever since! Today, I am blessed to be able to share all of my spiritual healing skills to YOU in my monthly Reiki Training Courses in Oswestry.
Did YOU know….
Even if YOU don’t want to become a Reiki practitioner YOU can still learn Reiki Level One to help soothe your ‘self, your family, friends, pets, plants, food and water…?’
When YOU look after someone special at home it can really take its toll on YOU too.
Having the gift of Reiki Level One, not only can YOU use it for your own self-healing, but YOU can also soothe your loved ones too.
Today, I love to teach all 3 levels of Reiki, as a UNIQUE offering, I also offer Reiki Level One for ‘Parents and Carers’ and a Reiki ‘Refresher’ Course.
I am running Usui Reiki Training every month at my stunning ‘Happy Healing Hut’ in Oswestry. All levels available including one-to-one training.
Choose which course suits YOU personally and let’s get YOU where YOU want to be on your Reiki Journey today!
Reiki Training
- Reiki Level 1 – £150
- Reiki Level 2 – £200
- Master Teacher – £250
- Refresher available for all levels £100
- Reiki L1 for Parents & Carers £150
*In Person – Full Day Reiki Training Oswestry*
Workshops £65
- Tap your Negative Emotions Away (EFT)
- A Colourful Journey Through the Chakras
- The Magic of Vision Boards
- Manifest your Miracle Mindset
- Why YOU Matter
- Emotional Guidance
- Limiting beliefs & positive affirmations
- Release & forgive
- Relax & Re-set
Available as a group program for organisations or as private, individual bookings. In Person Chester – Shrewsbury & Online UK Wide via Video Sessions.
Workshops, Retreats & Reiki Training dates are found under ‘Events’.
Available In Person Oswestry & Online UK Wide via Video Session.
Traditional Usui Reiki Training
Reiki is an ancient light touch energy healing therapy. Reiki is performed using Universal Life Force Energy to release any trapped emotions stored in the energy body. Reiki will leave YOU feeling relaxed, peaceful, uplifted, and free from pain and tension. Reiki also balances your Chakra’s giving YOU a healthy state of well-being
Level One qualifies you to heal yourself, friends, family, pets, plants, food & water
Level Two qualifies you to be a practitioner and to use the scared symbols
Master Teacher Level qualifies YOU to teach Reiki and pass on the sacred energy symbols
Reiki Refresher course to regain lost confidence
Reiki L1 for Parents and Carers
Please Note: Traditionally YOU should expect to leave a 3 month gap between Level One & Level Two for the level one attunements to settle and for your personal self healing. Plus, a twelve month gap between Level One and Master Teacher is also considered to be part of the more traditional teaching practices. It is also advisable to check the Lineage details of your chosen Reiki Master Teacher and the number of years teaching andrunning Reiki along with any additional skills included in their Reiki Training.
Usui Reiki Level One £150
Full Day Course
Reiki Level One qualifies you to heal yourself, friends, family, pets, plants, food, water
- The History of Reiki
- Meditation
- Chakras
- 4 Attunements
- Hand Movements for self-healing & to others
- Full Colour Detailed Training Manual
- Animal Reiki
- Certificate
Usui Reiki Level Two £200
Full Day Course
Following level two Reiki energy will run much faster through the body. If you wish, you may start your own Reiki healing business. You can also send distance healing to friends, relations, pets, clients via the ancient Reiki Symbols
- 2 Attunements
- Receive three ancient symbols and their meanings
- Learn how to send distant healing
- Full Colour Detailed Training Manual
- Reiki hints & tips
- Relaxation Techniques
- Certificate
Usui Reiki Master Teacher level £250
Full Day Course
Master Teacher Level qualifies YOU to teach Reiki at all levels and to pass on the sacred Reiki symbols during the attunement ceremony
- Full Colour Detailed Training Manual
- Master Symbol
- Attunement process recording
- Teaching hints & tips
- Master Teacher Attunements
- Certificate
Usui Reiki Refresher Courses – all levels £100 or 2 levels togther £150
Full Day Course
*Exclusive to Angelic Healing*
If YOU have not used your Reiki training for some time and would like to refresh your Reiki knowledge and skills this course is perfect for YOU to build your confidence.
- No Attunements (Reiki never leaves you)
- Revisit Level One hand positions and self-healing techniques
- Revisit Ancient Reiki Symbols & their meanings
- Full colour manual covering fundamentals
- Hands on practice
Usui Level One Reiki for Parents & Carers £150
Full Day Course
*Exclusive to Angelic Healing*
If YOU care for a family member that would benefit from Reiki’s gentle healing and do not wish to become a professional Reiki Practitioner, this course is perfect for YOU
Workshops & Talks
Manifest your Miracle Mindset
The Law of Attraction is a simple process, yet tricky to master, this explains why YOU may not have been able to manifest in the past
We live in a ‘feeling’ universe and are all emotional creatures. To be able to manifest your miracle mindset You need to be in ‘flow’
Learn how to align your thoughts with your hearts desires and see how YOU too can have, do or be anything YOU set your mind to
A Colourful Journey Through the Chakras
Chakra means ‘wheel’ / Spinning wheel – regulating energy in and out of the aura body
Illness is an indication of a chakra with a block in its energy flow creating issues with the Endocrine system, hormone issues or ‘Dis-ease’ = a body not at ease
Learn about re-tuning and re-balancing your chakras to restore your whole energy system to a healthier state of vibrancy and balance resulting in a body at ease
The Magic of Vision Boards
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn how we use our creativity to define our vision and ideal outcomes; and how to adapt this life changing skill into our everyday habits
YOU will walk away with a vision for your future that inspires you and motivates you to take action in to making that vision your reality!
“When You Visualise You Materialise!”
Tap Your Negative Emotions away with EFT
Emotional Freedom Tapping – EFT combines the physical benefits of acupuncture with the cognitive benefits of conventional therapy for a more complete treatment of emotional, physical and performance issues.
Providing impressive results much faster – often reducing the recovery time from months or years to hours and even minutes
The basic EFT Tapping process is easy and fun to learn, can be done anywhere, and can be used to provide amazing self -help results in extraordinarily little time
Why You Matter
Of course, YOU Matter, and so do I
I believe YOU are the most important person in your world and if your well-being is not at 100% then you can’t possibly be expected to cope with everything that is going on in your life at 100%
Your well-being has never been more essential for your immune system, than it is during these difficult times.
Learn the art of self-love without feeling selfish.
Emotional Guidance
It can be so easy to spiral up and down and allow your thoughts and feelings to get completely out of control.
Resulting in feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious – affecting your breathing!
Staying stuck in FEAR will play havoc with your emotions and your ability to function as a ‘WEL-being’
Learn how to tap in to your Emotions and stay in control of your fears.
Limiting Beliefs & Positive Affirmations
A negative thought or negative belief will hold you back from reaching your greatest potential.
One of the most effective ways you can use to help heal yourself is to use Positive Affirmations.
What are YOU affirming to yourself in your 60,000 thoughts a day?
Learn how to replace your poverty thoughts with positive affirmations to reach your true potential.
Release & Forgive
Holding on to any negative emotion from the downward spiral on the emotional scale will only hurt YOU.
Whatever YOU are recalling is what are YOU attracting, negative thoughts shape your emotions, actions and can manifest as ailments or even disease *Dis-ease is a body not at ease
Learn how to release and let go to free your mind and body for your well-being.
Available as a group program for organisations or as private, individual bookings. In person – Oswestry & Online UK Wide via Video Sessions.
Payment Terms available for large group bookings.